sendwhatmsg ( '+910123456789', 'Hi', 13, 30 ) # Same as above but Closes the Tab in 2 Seconds after Sending the Message pywhatkit. Usage import pywhatkit # Send a WhatsApp Message to a Contact at 1:30 PM pywhatkit.
start_server () This method can be used to remotely control your PC using your phone (Windows only) What's new in v5.3? import pywhatkit pywhatkit. What's new in v5.4? Fix Flask import error PyWhatKit officially supports Python 3.8+. PyWhatKit is available on PyPi: python3 -m pip install pywhatkit New updates are released frequently with new features and bug fixes.
Currently, it is one of the most popular library for WhatsApp and YouTube automation. It's easy-to-use and does not require you to do any additional setup. PyWhatKit is a Python library with various helpful features.